Chinese embassy, paris, photo

Chinese Embassy in Paris

To house the new Chancellery of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, the Montesquiou Mansion, its park and its courtyards, underwent a major renovation, respecting the listing of part of the buildings and the garden as Historical Monuments. The simplification of spaces, the enhancement of the main courtyard, and the reorganisation of the park, combining heritage and modernisation, were led by the agency and its partners, informed by its historical attachment to Chinese culture.

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Chinese embassy, paris, photo


Type of project Renovation
Programme Diplomatic building
Contracting authority Embassy of the People’s Republic of China
Architect Arte Charpentier

Location Paris 7e, France
Completion date 2016
Surface area 8 500 m²
External surface area 5 500 m²

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Working on a classified, historic site requires finding the right tone. Between preservation and renewal, French and Chinese culture, the project revives the architectural and plant heritage, which are accentuated by ensuring the conditions for their sustainability.

Pauline Rabin Le Gall, landscaper / Arte Charpentier

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Chinese Embassy in Paris Paris, France - 2016


Arte Charpentier Architectes has renovated the Montesquiou Mansion, its park and its courtyards, respecting the listing of part of the buildings and the garden as a Historical Monument.

The renovation of this real estate complex has made it possible to highlight the Mansion and its park, with no change of volume; on the rue Monsieur side, the administrative building required some adaptations both on the facades and inside.

Overall, this project consists mainly of offices, official accommodation and reception areas.

On the Boulevard des Invalides side, the park is reorganised based on a central lawn, in the original spirit of the project of the Hôtel de Montesquiou. The main perspective respects the historic blueprint of Brongniart dating from 1778. The lawn is restored to its eighteenth-century aspect. On either side of the lawn, the linden-tree alignments have returned to their original places. Beyond that, a contemporary graphic writing is chosen. A design of discontinuous parallel lines, alternating mineral and plant elements, accompanies the visitor to the bottom of the garden where the young trees rub shoulders with the older ones, making the garden an exceptional plant environment.

On the rue Monsieur side, one enters through a large courtyard, restored in Fontainebleau sandstone paving stones, which are softly luminous. The deliberately mineral writing is interspersed by planters containing topiary shrubs and lemon trees.


Contracting authority
– Contracting authority: Chinese embassy
– Assistant contracting authority: Arte Charpentier (Andrew Hobson, Longwei Chen)

Project management
– Architect: Arte Charpentier (Andrew Hobson, Longwei Chen)
– Interior architecture: Arte Charpentier (Edith Richard)
– Landscaping: Arte Charpentier (Nathalie Leroy, Pauline Rabin Le Gall)

– Decorator (18th century style): Laurent Bourgois Architecte

Design office
– Structure: Conception Service Consulting
– Fluids: M.C.I
– Acoustics: General Acoustics
– Kitchens: M. Gaury
– Economist: Patrick Simonneau
– R&U: CL Infra
– Control office: Qualiconsult
– H&S: Qualiconsult
– Audiovisuals: IEC

– Address: 20 rue Monsieur 75007 Paris
– Specificities: Espace Vert Protégé  site, listed as a Historical Monument
– Photo credits : LK Photographe / Arte Charpentier


Type of project Renovation
Programme Diplomatic building
Contracting authority Embassy of the People’s Republic of China
Architect Arte Charpentier

Location Paris 7e, France
Completion date 2016
Surface area 8 500 m²
External surface area 5 500 m²

Chinese Embassy in Paris

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