Central Business District

The Wuhan Land Use and Space Planning Research Centre commissioned the agency to design an urban business district project integrated with the development of the "Grand Wuhan". The CBD of Wuchang offers an urban porosity between the city and its river through open clusters favouring pedestrian paths and providing scale transitions between the vertical elements and the horizontality of the paths.

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Type of project Urban project
Programme Mixed
Contracting authority Wuhan Land Use and Space Planning Research Centre (WLSP)

Location Wuhan, China
Completion date 2014 – ongoing
Surface area 140 ha

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140 ha
of urban project

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The new Wuchang business district is structured around a vast central space combining a large urban park and a line of high-rise buildings. Between these two elements, horizontal connections, or "synapses", introduce an intermediary dimension for human beings, and guarantee pedestrian continuity between the different levels of the city (metro, podiums, etc.) and between the city and its river.

Marie-France Bouet, architect-urban planner, partner / Arte Charpentier

Over the last ten years, the Wuchang CBD Riverside business district has undergone a remarkable transformation, evolving into a dynamic and modern centre of the city. The project teams have successfully combined large-scale urban planning with the creation of spaces on a human scale. Through careful planning and an integrated vision, we have succeeded in creating a space where modern urbanism and environmental sustainability coexist harmoniously, while respecting and enhancing the local history. The Wuchang CBD Riverside business park is now a model of urban development that inspires and guides future urban renewal projects in China and beyond.

Mingding Pan, architect-urban planner, partner / Arte Charpentier

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Central Business District Wuhan, China - 2014


The new Wuchang CBD is located on the banks of the Yangtze River and covers an area of over 140 hectares, with 3 million m² of floor space created. It is organised around two major axes incorporating preserved heritage features: the existing railway line, redeveloped as a public space, and Qinyuan Avenue, transformed into a vast park: the “Urban Salon”. At the crossroads of these two axes, a new architectural landmark is placed, in dialogue with the neighbouring “Wuhan Greenland Center” Tower, through an interplay of intersecting skylines.

The public space of the railway creates a longitudinal link parallel to the river, running right through the Wuchang CBD. The “Urban Salon” combines a wide open space, a linear of high-rise buildings and, as a link between these two elements, a play of volumes and horizontal connections that builds the transition in scale between horizontality and verticality. These horizontal connections, these “synapses”, extend across the whole district and allow an intermediate spatial dimension to be introduced that is as human as it is humanly possible.

Synapses” are linking structures integrating all the soft modes of transport and the shops and services associated with the tertiary complexes, connecting the raised levels and the various podiums to the underground city. They link up with the transport infrastructure (metro and exclusive right-of-way buses) to ensure pedestrian continuity and optimum accessibility at every point on the site. Finally, they rebuild the link between the city and its river.

The development of the various lanes in the new Wuchang CBD has also received special attention and treatment to ensure optimum conditions of comfort, whatever the season, and to encourage soft modes of transport.


Contracting authority
– Contracting authority: Wuhan Natral Resources and Conversation and Utilization Center (ex. WLSP)

Project management
– Architect-Urban planner: Arte Charpentier (Pierre Clément, Andrew HobsonMingding Pan, Marie-France Bouet, Fernando Castro, Jing Ke, Wenyi Zhou, Pierre Chambron, Jinyi Li, Yang Liu, Qing Qian, Hailin Zhai)
– Landscaper: Arte Charpentier (Nathalie Leroy Laurène Moraglia, Silvia Pucci, Mathilde Charée)

Public developer
– Wuchang Riverside Management Committee

Design office:
– Transport and mobility: ORYZHOM
– Programming: LDG (Shanghai Longilat Architectural Design and Research)

– Address: Wuchang District, 430000, Wuhan, China


Type of project Urban project
Programme Mixed
Contracting authority Wuhan Land Use and Space Planning Research Centre (WLSP)

Location Wuhan, China
Completion date 2014 – ongoing
Surface area 140 ha

Central Business District

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