
Sino-French Eco-City of Caidan

With more than 11 million inhabitants, the city of Wuhan is currently facing a number of social and environmental challenges. The Sino-French eco-city of Caidian project, which is part of a bilateral cooperation on sustainable urban development, aims to become both a real experimental laboratory and an exemplary urban project through the implementation of innovative solutions addressing all of the issues of the city: urban planning, architecture, transport, energy, landscape, water management, waste management, biodiversity, etc.

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Type of project Urban project
Programme Mixed
Contracting authority Government of Caidian District
Missions Urban planning, Landscaping

Location Wuhan, China
Completion date 2017 – ongoing
Surface area 35.8km²
Environmental approach

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of project

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Although the vastness of the urban mesh is surprising in China, we have chosen to make services – shops, school facilities – accessible to residents, thanks to secure and comfortable pedestrian paths.

Marie-France Bouet, architect-urban planner / Arte Charpentier

The challenge is to think how this city will be able to exist in all its complexity in 50 years, in a virtuous way. It is therefore necessary to provide for the reception, storage and return to nature of fifty-year rain.

Nathalie Leroy, landscape designer / Arte Charpentier

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Sino-French Eco-City of Caidan China, - 2017


With more than 11 million inhabitants, the city of Wuhan is currently facing a number of social and environmental challenges. The Sino-French eco-city of Caidian project, which is part of a bilateral cooperation on sustainable urban development, aims to become both a real experimental laboratory and an exemplary urban project through the implementation of innovative solutions addressing all of the issues of the city: urban planning, architecture, transport, energy, landscape, water management, waste management, biodiversity, etc.

The district of Caidian is located in the west of the metropolis. The site of the Sino-French eco-city of Caidian is already connected to the city centre by road infrastructures and will soon host a TGV station and two new metro lines.

The site is characterised by natural areas that are both exceptional and fragile: to the north, it is bordered by the Han river, a wetland of more than 15km² consisting of ponds and lakes, and to the south, it is limited by the lakes of Bailian and Houguan and by a small mountain chain, the Ma’an mountain.

The project primarily aims to preserve and enhance these natural spaces through the creation of a structuring landscape framework supporting diverse functions and responding to multiple challenges: water management, flood risk management, improvement of the comfort of urban areas and reduction of the heat island effect, maintenance of agricultural production areas, market gardens and fish farms in the vicinity and in urban areas, development of tourist, sports and leisure areas, etc.

The Sino-French eco-city of Caidian is expected to eventually welcome approximately 200 000 inhabitants and aims to become a “Valley of Sino-French Environmental Science and Technology.”



Contracting authority
– Contracting authority: Management Committee of the Eco-City of Caidian – Government of Caidian District

Project manager
– Urban planner representative: Wuhan Land Use and Urban Spatial Planning Research Center
– Urban planner: Arte Charpentier
– Architect: Arte Charpentier
– Landscaper: Arte Charpentier
– Design office: Suez Consulting

– Address: Eco-city of Caidian, Wuhan, China

Image credits:
© Landers – Elodie Ledru
© Arte Charpentier


Type of project Urban project
Programme Mixed
Contracting authority Government of Caidian District
Missions Urban planning, Landscaping

Location Wuhan, China
Completion date 2017 – ongoing
Surface area 35.8km²
Environmental approach

Sino-French Eco-City of Caidan

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